His past in words

1938 Born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1956-1961 Royal Academy, The Hague, Faculty of Fine Arts
1961 First Godon Prize of the Royal Academy
1963 First Royal Subvention for Fine Arts of the Queen of the Netherlands
1963 Dutch Contribution at the 3rd Paris Biennial
1966 Second Royal Subvention for Fine Arts of the Queen of the Netherlands
1969-1985 Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Rotterdam
1975-1985 Head of the Department of Communications, Academy of Fine Arts, Rotterdam
1978-1998 Co-operation with Matthijs van Dam, environmental art
1982-1985 Member of the Advisory Board of the Minister of Culture
1985-1988 Founder and co-ordinator of the Department of Computer Graphics, Academy of Arts, Rotterdam
1986-1988 Member of the Advisory Board of the Minister of Education in the field of computer use in art
1988-1993 Managing Director of the Utrecht School of the Arts, Faculty of Art, Media & Technology
1993-2013 Start of a non-stop travel around the world. Creating his ‘Vista Series’
2012-2013 Publication of ‘FLAT EARTH’, Artist’s Book, 50 Vistas from 25 countries and 1050 digital prints.
2014 Publication of ’40 FRONT PAGES’.  4/7/1976 – 13/91976: Travelling the USA from Bicentennial Day to the Death of Mao. Artist’s Book, Limited Edition of 300 numbered and signed  copies
2015 Realization of ‘Flat Earth’ at 20 metres wide in Metro Station ‘Dijkzigt’ Rotterdam, commissioned by the Rotterdam Transport Authority

1963 Gallery AlVeka, The Hague, with Struycken, Verhoog and Van Bohemen
1963 Municipal Museum, The Hague, Recent Acquisitions
1963 Musee d’Art Moderne, Paris, 3rd Biennale de Paris
1964 Het Slot, Zeist, ‘New Figuratives’
1964 Gallery Numero, Rome, Florence, one man shows
1964 Gallery N9, Utrecht
1965 Gallery Wout Vuyk, Hilversum, with Armando
1965 Gallery Numero, Venice and Milan with Struycken, Verhoog
1966 Municipal Museum Delft, ‘Contour of Dutch Art’
1968 Municipal Museum The Hague, ‘New Dutch Figuratives’
1969 Pulchri Studio, The Hague, one man show
1970 Doelen, Rotterdam
1985 Pulchri Studio, the Hague, with Matthijs van Dam
1986 Museum Bonnefanten, Maastricht, ‘Digital Images’
1987 Cebit, Hannover, Germany
1987 Municipal Museum Dusseldorf, Germany
1988 Centre of Fine Art, Municipal Art Commissions, Rotterdam
1991 Museum Waterland, Purmerend
1993 Gallery Ink, ‘Constructivists of The Hague’
1994 Starke Diepstra, Nieuwegijn, ‘First Prize sculpture for a GSM Antenna’

1963 ‘Acquisitions 1957-1963’ publication Municipal Museum The Hague, The Netherlands
1963 ‘Third Biennial of Paris’, publication Musee d’Art Moderne de Paris, France
1966 ‘Contour onzer Beeldende Kunsten’, publication Stedelijk Museum, Delft, The Netherlands
1972 ‘International Directory of Arts’, publication Deutsche Centraldruckerei AG, Germany
1982 ‘The Architect’, June, Beeldrapportage, article, The Netherlands
1983 ‘Commissions’, publication Centre of the Arts, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
1986 ‘Digital Images’, publication Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, The Netherlands
1987 ‘Environmental Art in Amsterdam’, publication Arbeiderspers, The Netherlands
1987 ‘Metro-Art in Metropolitans’, publication The Central Bank, Brussels, Belgium
1987 ‘Kwartaalblad 4’, Kunst en Bedrijf, article,The Netherlands
1987 ‘Art and Electronics’, publication Egon Verlag, New York, USA
1988 ‘Art in the Rotterdam Subway’, publication ‘Rotterdam Foundation of the Arts’, The Netherlands
1988 ‘Landmarks, Art and Computer’; monthly paper ‘Datawelt’, January, article, Germany
1990 ‘Op het scherpst van de snede’; monthly paper ‘Indruk’ no 3, article, The Netherlands
1991 ‘Bouwfonds Nederlandse Gemeenten’, September, article, The Netherlands
1992 ‘Sculptures in the Hague’, publication Stroom, The Hague, The Netherlands
1994 ‘First Prize design GSM Antenna’, publication Starke Diepstra, The Netherlands
2008 ‘Panoramic Perfection’, Spaces Magazine, October, Fergus McShane, United Kingdom
2009 ‘Art in Ommoord’, publication Art Immaginaire, Rotterdam
2013 ‘Flat Earth’. Limited Edition of 300 numbered and signed copies
2014 ’40 Front Pages’. Artist’s Book. Limited Edition of 300 numbered and signed  copies

*Amsterdam, Energy Plant, Hemweg (4 polyester sculptures, height 16-26 feet)
*The Hague, Scheveningseweg (steel sculpture, landmark, height 53 feet)
*Amsterdam, Trompenburg Street (length 78 feet, steel plates under roof-gutter)
*The Hague, Binckhorst Entrance (steel and polyester sculpture, landmark, height 60 feet)
*Amsterdam, Bijlmermeer (steel sculpture, landmark, length 65 feet)
*Hellevoetssluis, City House (sculpture in marble and programmed light)
*Amsterdam, Housing Corporations (1200 pieces of original digital prints)
*Deventer, Central Park (steel sculpture, height 32 feet)
*Rotterdam, Prinsenland (Steel and neon sculpture, landmark, height 88 feet)
*Den Helder, Town Hall (2 steel sculptures, length 26 feet, height 49 feet meters)
**Rotterdam, Marconi Square, with Bob Bonies (24 murals of 10 x 10 feet each, laminated Color Xerox copies)
*Den Bosch, Entrance North (3 steel sculptures, landmark, heights 60 and 13 feet)
 Rotterdam, Metrostation Dijkzicht (polyester high-relief, length 65 feet, height 12 feet)
*Leeuwarden, Camminghaburen (polyester and steel sculpture, landmark, height 40 feet)
*Rotterdam, Metro crossing Ommoord (16 steel columns, landmark, height each 39 feet)
*Deventer, Railway Station (2 free hanging sculptures, length each 50 feet, steel and marble)
 Rotterdam, Metro Station Dijkzigt. Flat Earth at 20 metres wide. Ceramic Steel.  

*   Art commissions in co-operation with Matthijs van Dam (†1998)  

** Art commission in co-operation with Bonies